Monday, June 9, 2008

I guess there is such a thing called HOPE

So recently things have been going pretty good. Work has been good. Although working full time has been great, I find myself more tired and counting on my days off. Suppose that is life though.
Money has been a lil tight , though I havent seen my full time check yet, so hopefully that will help:) Summer is FINALLY here and the weather has been great. Has rained a lot though but hot enough to wear my summer gear!!! I love the hot weather. Excited to do some summer things like camping and maybe some weekend trips. Rod and I have been doing great. I have some really life changing decisions to make. Funny how things come up when one has too many alcohol drinks! LOL. Last sunday him and I went to a mutual friend of ours, spent time drinking hangin out in their hot tub and what not. On our adventure back to my place, a lil tipsy on our bikes we had a real good conversation. Talked about moving in together!!! Yes, HUGE decision on my behave more so. I never had a room-mate nor ever lived with a boyfriend. Sure there's been times where ex bf's spent more time at my place then they did at their house but the point being we still had our own space and lived separately. Im really considering this option. Been thinking a lot about it, and making sure it's what I want right now. I would be giving a lot up, at least for me personally. Im not used to sharing " my time" so do speak, having someone live with me is something I dont even know I can do well. Though Im willing to see how it goes. With Rod its a hell of a lot different than any of my other bf's I had and have ever thought about us living together. I was really surprised when Rod said that he was ready and willing to move in. I want to make sure that it's something I really want to do though. So Im still taking the time and thinking/sorting things out. Though I do really want to know if him and I can live together without killing each other.LOL. I find myself now missing him when he is not in bed with me. This weekend was the test , I went out and he went home, I had to work the weekend so he didnt come over till sunday night. So therefore I spent Saturday night lying in bed alone I must admit was really strange. Woke up Sunday, I forgot he wasnt there. He has been spending the past week and half or so strictly at my place. Sleeping over EVER single night. Can honestly say we've never done that. I've been loving the time he's been spending here. Waking up to him every morning is something I can see myself doing!! He's great to me, we get along, love his company, going out with him even just spending a night in bed watching movies is something I've gotten use to. With that being said, I plan on going this week and getting him a key made. I dont know when we plan on actually moving in together but I pretty much made the decision that this is what I want. I really don't know if Rod is truly ready, I just hope he's not saying thinking that is what I want. I would be ok with it if he just wanted to take sometime and spend a bit alone in his own place. I know he's been thinking of moving out of Lino's and getting something of his own. Although I dont want him to feel pressured to move in. But Im pretty sure for my next blog I will have more news if not a huge blog written up..LOL..Till next time,

1 comment:

Teh Jess said...

Hurray for moving in!!!!! :D