Friday, May 30, 2008

Friendships and all the Drama that goes with it...

Recently have been thinking a lot of my relationships with my friends. Seems like as we grow older, become more successful, personal love relationships become tighter, long hours at work, family struggles, and whatever else life throws at us- we tend to loose that great bond we all once had with our close friends. More and More you feel replaced, unappreciated, less important and frankly non-existent. Why is that? Why do we feel the need to replace lifes most treasures out the window when something we think that is new and more exciting. Sure we do have to separate our time and the way we use that time to good use, but why is it that some people dont make anytime at all? When before all the great jobs, the men/girls , life style changes, etc that even if there was something that we had to do, our friends came almost 1st and was almost most important relationship we had going on in our lives. That threw the hard times and good, our friends were always there for us getting us threw it. Sadly enough a lot of friendship don't survive just because we take them for granted and think that just canceling plans, not bothering to catch up, nor evening spending time together comes rarer and rarer.A lot of friendships are damaged by romantic relationships. I have a few friends that once they get a bf, I come less and less important and are only good enough when things are falling apart. We've all done it, canceled out on a good friend just to spend time with a new lover. Which is perfectly normal and its a fact of life. But when does canceling become too much? That spending time together is only going to happen when there's a fight, or the lover is doing something else that is when they decide that the friendship is important. Has anyone ever heard of balance? It's do-able to be in a romantic relationship, work full time, do whatever else that has to be done, and still be able to make quality with a friend. But I can guarantee that if they lost their job, had a fallin out with a lover, that you're the first person they call to get help from. Sure thats great, thats what friends are for, but its not the only thing they are good for. Romantic relationships come and go can always be replaced, jobs and careers can always be changed too, but good friends, are really hard to find when you have one. My love relationship is very important to me, but is it really worth loosing a good friend over when they we're there first? Not talking about marriage and family either. Just talking about every day dating. That is not a 100% guarantee that its going to even be long -term or not. Why do we feel the need to push away that at one time was most treasured thing in our lives with something that is not a sure thing if it will be there tomorrow or not. Friendships are the most important thing to have, we all need friends, even when your 60 friends are great to have. Although if you replace them with things that could change within hours, minutes and seconds you may just turn around one day seeking out their friendship and it will not be there. And do you really blame them?

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