Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Again another awaking yet Sleepless Night.

I'm starting to think there something wrong with me lately. It s 2:30am I'm sleepy, but I can't seemed to fall asleep. I've been going threw this endless nights of not sleeping going to work and then crashing when I get home. Yet only for a few hours. I began to think,,,I'm over thinking. Yes. I've been stressed out a bit with family, bf, hours at work, money situations etc..Does it really give my body a hard toll on the sleep aid. It's come to the point where I'm either thinking about one thing or another and letting my mind wonder instead of it sleeping. I came to the conclusion that this week I may just stop by my doctors and get some sleeping pills to help with those nights. I've been on them before when I in my early 20's. I was dealing with somethings that happen to me , going to counseling and what not. I found they helped, but only for a short period because I refused to take them all the time. I've gotten to the point where I'm taking Advil , just to make my self a bit drowsy so I can calm my thoughts and actually get some sleep. I can not stand it being up, when I know I have to work in the morning and have plans after my long uneventful sleepless day at work. I don't think right, I'm moody. Hell the other night I was up for over 24hours, no sleep, no naps, worked, and boy let me tell you I wanted to cry I was so over tired. I wish I could just shut my brain off, and let my body do its thing.
So with all this said. Think Friday I'll call the doc and see what I can do. Not much of a pill popper but I need to do something. The stress level so up high that its not going to go away anytime soon.

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