Monday, October 6, 2008

A New Come Back??

So I notice that its been awhile since my last blog post...Oh wow JUNE? Im slacking hugely..Although not like people actually read em. Meh, life goes on, expect nothing and receive more . Oh boy Oh boy where to start. Since now its OCTOBER already. Yes, I say it OCTOBER! Where had this year gone? Since when getting older has added the lack of acknowledgment to time and it passing us bye. In fact I notice more so now that even in my day which goes by fast, I barely have time to do rather quick "" On my to do List"" which happens never to get done. LOL. Which if it does happen to magically successively get done, its been sitting there waiting to get accomplished! So like most things I'll ramble on do a few blogs here and there ( to make myself believe )that I have the motivation to actually do something on a more day to day time slot. Summer went bye too fact, and winter is coming near which Im not looking forward to it what so ever. Cold, wet, windy, hits your bones which reminds you how old your getting. LOL.
Yes, this year 25!!!!! Since when a number can mean so much shall I make a no deal or deal with my age? Think I may have to do something outrageously cleaver this year. Not sure what that will be yet, but definitely keep you posted!
Summer was alright though, did some camping, lots of beer drinking, low key nights had some life changing rearrangements so do speak was certainly fun, exciting, and worth it all. AH summer, what a beautiful thing. :)

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