Friday, October 17, 2008

No air.

Have you ever felt like you had everything you ever wanted but come to realize you really dont have anything at all.??? That you cover up emotions, thoughts , pain , regret, hurt and most of all your lonesomeness. That you're stuck somewhere feeling like you're invisible, treated good but not good enough???. When you stop and think about generation after generation, what a person goes threw in a lifetime, relationships, heart ache the conquer, the ups and downs , smiles and frowns, chances are nothing has change. We're just living in a more colourful world, more hate less emotion toward each other some not caring about anything but them self's. I yet to feel truly happiness, within myself and to be honest who Im dating. I think everything is good and ok.But when I really come to think about it, the things that don't happen, that lack in our relationship really do mean a lot me. I rack my mind on how I can change it, but really who Iam I kidding and better yet why should I try and change someone that isn't right for me??! Habits are hard to break, mind set ways, its like an out going cycle we will never accomplish. Not at all saying that we cant change. Cause we certainly can make a 360° degree change and make it for the better nor the worse for that matter. Feels like Im stuck in a middle of a pool barely swimming yet have enough to keep my head up for air.............

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