Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wish You Shoulda, Woulda,Coulda, ,???

So I came to the conclusion that there are many things in this haywire life of mine that always seems to come down to just 3 words.... (read the title above,, don't feel like typing it!!!!) Always something that I would change , do over again and perhaps would never do in the first place. A lot of things have to do with either men, places I went, things that I should of said, resulting in so many different conclusions on what my life may have been like..Don't get me wrong..Cant say Im not happy most of the time. Some things have changed for the better.;)
Have you ever stop to think that you are living the life your "suppose to" ??? Are we doing what we are meant out to seek, learn, feel, and emotionally go threw??. How do you know when your accomplishments are done, when your blindly walking threw you're daily tasks and adventures...Is there such a thing for us to have a purpose?? If so, whats your personal purpose. ? and if we dont conquer that, do we get a second chance? I'm not really sure on what to make of my personal purpose, am'I really who I'am or has it already been slightly written for me?,. That we all have this invisible era that has been planned out.. Every decision we make every choice, every dare, every mistake; do we go threw these things because its the road that we are suppose to take.

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