Tuesday, February 12, 2008

V-Day Commercially Over-Rated!

♥I give Valentine's Day A whole 3+ thumbs DOWN. I don't think that it appropriate to have it.
Yes, we all want to know that we are appreciated and loved. But do we really need a reminder??
Since when that one day out of the whole entire year that we are forced to show it..Shouldn't it be done all YEAR round??.. Most guys dread this day and I don't blame them. Everything that is advertised to buy you wait like a week and its gone down in price! They jack up the prices, make singles feel lonely and couples stressed out on find that special gift. It's very unnecessary. Personally I would rather have something done special like that for no reason at all. Just because not because its done world wide. Like don't get me wrong, I don't mind receiving flowers etc but do it because YOU want too.. It's just a way for the government/companies to get money! It's all BS. so your special someone says "Here Honey I got you a Valentine Card and gift" then they next day they treat you like crap!. ummm Ya NOT. Oh worse if your single you know couples everywhere are spending that special moment and your all alone eating a tub a Ben&Jerry's!!!
Talk about PRESSURE,.. It's all fake, so just for one day you have pretend in some cases that you actually care about that person.? Call me ANTI-Val Gal.. I don't care. I want the person that I'm with want to do things those things when HE ACTUALLY WANTS TOO.,,,not feel like he has too. Whatever happen to Just Because Gifts?. Most girls love this day, hoping to get flowers sent at work, candy, Stuffed Bears or even worse A ring! Who in the the right mind wants to be proposed too on the most over-rated, money hungry, fake day! Romance, BLAH.. Pick another day, I just find it tacky! The only thing that is great about that day is the left over candy that goes on SALE!! :) hahahhahaha.... lol..

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