Monday, February 4, 2008

Chow Down

Woke up this morning tired, over-whelmed and just not in the mood to get ready for work...wait
thats EVERYDAY when I have to work!! haha..,.,.haha...
So I get to work, started at 11pm which isn't so bad I suppose. At first I was so unmotivated to work . Was such a sluggish day.
So I just kinda walked around and did small things here and there to by pass time, socialized a bit..hehehe :)
Finally by 3o'clock I was kinda getting in to my work. Was kinda fun because I got to talk to people visiting and what not.:D
Anyways, by 5pm I was ready to sit down and have lunch with the staff that was working on afternoons, they start at 3pm.. So I get what I want to eat and head downstairs to where everyone eats.. I never really notice this before. Im a usual people-watcher type person anyways. Yes I watch people!! lol..I cant help it. I just find it interesting to watch how others interact with people, what they do,. Its actually really fun! So I was sitting there and I watching how my co-workers ate.
Rather disturbing more than anything! I never really watch other people eat, too busy stuffing my own face than to bother watching others. But today for some strange odd reason I did.
So here I'am, the only female. sitting with like 6 other guys. Watching 6 men eating.
Grossed me out.
Some eat like they we're shoveling snow.!! Do they even breath??? I was thinking .... OMG that looks so gross ....mind ya I almost lost my appetite!
Some pick at their food like its a science project. dissecting everything possible !!!
Then you have the ones that eat so slow I almost fell asleep watching them eat!!!!
Then you have the ones that eat like its their last MEAL.!! Like they never seen food before and that its not going to be there..CHEW YOUR gosh,,,,slow the heck down,, no one is going to take it buddy!!! lmao. Like I take my time and eat and actually enjoy it.!!
I also watched how MUCH they ate..Holy shit some can eat like for 2 people!! If I ate that much I would be in a 3 day coma and sleeping for a week!! Like shit people PORTION your self.. There's no need to eat 2 pork chops, a shit load of mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies and a half a loaf of bread! plus dessert, and not just a piece of cake its more less a half a cake.!! I could seriously make 4 meals out of what he had to eat. Even the pork chops were HUGE.! lol... I was in shock that he didn't pass out because he's stomach exploded!
Let's put it this way. I didn't finish my dinner and I was grossed
sorry guys. but its true.
Does anyone have good eating habits? What ever happen of chewing and enjoying your food?

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